
Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.

As the last Sunday morning of 2013 fades into afternoon, I’m sitting here, drinking coffee & making new years resolutions.  It’s the best part of this time of year; we never run out of chances to start anew.


Well, I feel it my duty as a blogger to send wishes to my readers on Christmas.  So, Happy Holiday!  Merry Christmas!  Etc, etc.

I’ve spent the better part of yesterday and all today feeling warm and cozy at mom’s house.  There was good food, laughter, and general togetherness, which is exactly what I wanted.  Today brought amazing presents, more delicious food, and phone calls with family in Chicago.  This afternoon will bring cookies, movies, and lots of reading (I’m the nerd who asks for and gets books for Christmas).

I’m ready for this year to be over.  It’s been exhausting, and I’m ready for a fresh start.  In fact, plans are already in place to make 2014 a pretty damn good year.

Happy Christmas, readers.  I wish you love and warmth and happiness.