Fly By

I woke up this morning, 8:00am, late July, Atlanta.  I made coffee, pulled on my shorts, buckled Walden’s leash and unlocked the door.

An early autumn breeze hit me full in the face.  I stood still a moment, letting the wind swish my hair.  Walden sniffed the air, altogether unused to such cool temperatures.

The summer has flown by, folks, and the end of July is a mere 2 days away (I count today only because I haven’t finished my coffee yet).  Labor Day will be here soon, and with that cool nights, lovely leaves, pumpkins, turkeys, and Christmas.  It’s my favorite time of year, these last months, and I intend to savor it.

I know the humidity and swollen temperatures will return soon, but this first glimpse helps me remember that change is just around the corner.

My morning.

My morning.