Birthday Resolutions

I was informed yesterday that I needed to make specific birthday resolutions.  So, I acquiesced.  This year, I am going to write more.  I am also going to get into grad school.

I feel as though I’ve turned over a new leaf these past few weeks.  I’ve realized that if I want to be a writer, I have to make myself one.  No one is going to come along and offer me anything; I must go out and do it myself.  So, I’ve made tentative goals.  I’ve made slight plans, but plans nonetheless, and I’m feeling good about them.

In other news, Birthday 27 was a success.  There were pedicures, lunches, family dinners, friend dinners, pools, rain, balloons, and, of course, CAKE.


The balloons are currently sitting in the living room, and the puppy is switching between staring at them curiously and avoiding their gaze, probably hoping they’ll just quietly go away.

He’s an odd one, but we love him.

Today begins the 27th chapter of my life, and I begin the journey with a day off, laundry, writing, planning, and chores, all with the boy I’ve chosen to spend the rest of the years with.

Until then, however, I’m headed to lunch with the grandpa.  He’s 87 today, and we’re having lunch.  My treat, of course, as he has already done everything for me.  It’s my turn to give back to him.